Thursday, November 10, 2011

What do we learn from Yoga today/

I learnt from yoga today...that not everything has to be perfect.

I learnt that my teacher won't always be feeling me as in the same frequency as me.

I learnt that as long as I mind the fundamentals, the advanced stuff will come.

I learnt that Yoga is optional but the breath isn't.

How to we translate this to derivatives exam??

Mind the fundamentals
Do what is necessary to ace it....i.e. no need to over-kill


Saturday, July 16, 2011

TR Morning Excercises --Sat 16/07/2011


What could I be happy about in my life now?

· Everything

What about that makes me happy?

· the fact that no matter what happens, its all going to work out in the end

How does that make me feel?

· Relaxed

What could I be excited about in my life now?

· Going out tonight with my boys

What about that makes me excited?

· the laughter, the opportunity to meet new people and mental detox

How does that make me feel?

· Happy

What could I be proud about in my life now?

· KM

What about that makes me proud?

· his resilience

How does that make me feel?

· Everything will be ok

What could I be grateful for in my life now?

· my health my financial situation

What about that makes me grateful?

· the abundance of it

How does that make me feel?

· Privileged

What could I be enjoying more of in my life right now?

· the beach

What about that do I enjoy?

· the freshness of it and the connection with nature

How does that make me feel?

· Relaxed

What am I committed to in my life right now?

· My university goals

What about that makes me committed?

· the awesomeness of my goals

How does that make me feel?

· Successful

Who do I love? Who loves me?

· My friends

What about that makes me loving?

· Open-mindedness and value offering

How does that make me feel?

· Being a Giver


What have I given today?

· more charity

In what ways have I been a giver today?

· forgiving

What did I learn today?

· the importance of my morning routuine

How has today added to the quality of my life OR how can I use today as an investment in my future?

· The things I achieved today will accumulate for the future


What is great about this problem(deferring my PM exam again)?

· the opportunity to get 100% in the final

What is not perfect yet?

· the fact that I haven’t started yet

What am I willing to do to make it the way I want it?

· to give it my 100% everymonring after my morning routine

What am I willing no longer to do to make it the way I want it?

· Less facebook and time spoilage

How can I enjoy the process while I do what is necessary to make it the way I want it?

· stop focusing on the negative thoughts

· being in the moment

· breatheeeeee

· relax


· Relaxation x2

· Happiness

· Everything will be OK

· Privilege

· Success

· Value-Giver

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

TR Morning Excercises --Wed 13/07/2011


What am I happy about in my life now?

· that I got D in EFEP

What about that makes me happy?

· despite of CRAP I still got a good mark

How does that make me feel?

· that I am resilient and powerful and intelligent and hardworker

What am I excited about in my life now?

· PM Exam on Friday

What about that makes me excited?

· The opportunity to shine again or turnaround things

How does that make me feel?

· Grateful

What am I proud about in my life now?

· FIM marks

What about that makes me proud?

· It represents my people skills and study smart not hard

How does that make me feel?

· Success is in my veins

What am I grateful about in my life now?

· Health

What about that makes me grateful?

· that I don’t get as sick as much I used to

How does that make me feel?

· Energetic

What am I enjoying in my life right now?

· the warmth of my home

What about that do I enjoy?

· the protection from the elements

How does that make me feel?

· the safety

What am I committed to in my life right now?

· smashing portfolio management

What about that makes me committed?

· I need to increase my GPA

How does that make me feel?

· Prudent

Who do I love? Who loves me?

· All my friends

What about that makes me loving?

· their watchfulness over me

How does that make me feel?

· Protection


I don’t have enough time to smash portfolio management

Time is an illusion

Study smart NOT hard

(i.e. focus on Short Answers, MCQs then Essay)

What is great about this problem?

· the opportunity to turn things around

What is not perfect yet?

· my experience with the content

What am I willing to do to make it the way I want it?

· go non-stop until the exam; give it every single breath; give it every single drop of sweat; give it every single drop of blood

What am I willing no longer to do to make it the way I want it?

· I am no longer going to waste time by going on facebook

· I am no longer going to think negative thoughts

How can I enjoy the process while I do what is necessary to make it the way I want it?

· I am going to use a stopwatch to make this fun as though I am competing against my self


· Resilience

· Intelligence

· Hard work

· Powerfulness

· Gratitude

· Success

· Energy

· safety

· prudence

· protection

Saturday, July 9, 2011

8TBGR8--Sat 09/07/2011


Do I love what I do?

· Yes hell yeah

What am I passionate about? Do I love what I do?

· financial analysis

Am I doing what I am doing for the love of it or for the money? Or the marks?

· For the love baby


Am I working really hard?

· No

Am I working hard all the time?

· No

Am I having FUN working really hard?

· No


Am I focusing on one thing or everything?

· 1

Am I staying focused on my goals?

· 1

What is the one and only thing I am focusing on right now?

· PM


Am I pushing myself to my limits? Am I giving my number 1 goal 110% effort?

· I will

Do I ever doubt myself?

· No

Am I pushing myself through self-doubt (radio stfu)??

· Hell yeah

Do I have someone to PUSH me? like a coach or a support group

· yes

Am I utilising my coach/support group to the max?

· not yet

Am I challenging myself every single day of my life?

· yes

Am I part of some challenge (like a 30day challenge) at the moment?

· yes

Am I self-disciplined?

· getting disciplined

Do I have a morning/evening routine?

· yes

Am I currently in competition with someone?

· yes

Who am I competing against?

· her that shall not be named


Am I coming up with new ideas? (Ideas to study more effectively or to make more money or to save time or be more productive?

· yes

Am I being curious? On a scale of 1-10 where is my curiosity meter?

· Curious is a great frame….today Im gonna be very curious

Do I write my ideas down?

· write my ideas down

Am I forming connections between all the ideas?

· Absolutely

Am I looking around for new ideas?

· Will do

Am I listening to other people for ideas?

· hell yeah


Am I continuously improving myself everyday in everyway?

· absolutely

Am I practicing practicing practicing the things I want to improve on?

· defo

Am I practicing every single day of my life?

· practice is everything


What value am I serving to others?

· financial freedom

Who am I serving?

· my people


Am I persisting through time? Because success takes time

· yes

Am I persisting through criticism?

· stand tall –fuckem all

Am I persisting through rejections?

· good better best never let them rest

Am I persisting through adversity and arsehole?

· I don’t give a fuck about what anyone thinks of me

Am I persisting through prejudice?

· prejudice is only in the mind

Am I persisting through failure?

· failure is nothing but feedback

What have I failed recently? Because I fall 7 times and I stand up 8

· I failed getting that internship with Ingrid schraner

TR Morning Excercises --Sat 09/07/2011


What am I happy about in my life now?

· Bloomberg Exam

What about that makes me happy?

· the mark I got without even trying

How does that make me feel?

· I am more capable of what I think I am

What am I excited about in my life now?

· going out tonight

What about that makes me excited?

· the prospect of >>>

How does that make me feel?

· Alive

What am I proud about in my life now?

· My GF

What about that makes me proud?

· Her intelligence

How does that make me feel?

· Surrounded and Supported by a solid network

What am I grateful about in my life now?

· Health

What about that makes me grateful?

· the ability to move and function

How does that make me feel?

· Liberated

What am I enjoying in my life right now?

· My city

What about that do I enjoy?

· the night life

How does that make me feel?

· Alive

What am I committed to in my life right now?

· goals

What about that makes me committed?

· the vision

How does that make me feel?

· Superior

Who do I love? Who loves me?

· Myself

What about that makes me loving?

· My kindness

How does that make me feel?

· Like a good person


· Being capable beyond what I think I am

· Alive

· Surrounded and Supported by a solid network

· Liberated

· Superior

· Being a good person

Saturday, July 2, 2011

TR Morning Excercises --Thur 30/06/2011


What am I happy about in my life now?

· going out to the city

What about that makes me happy?

· partying and meeting friends

How does that make me feel?

· Joyous

What am I excited about in my life now?

· Meeting some old friends

What about that makes me excited?

· catching up on some old times

How does that make me feel?

· still connected

What am I proud about in my life now?

· ranked first for FIM

What about that makes me proud?

· hard and smart work pays off

How does that make me feel?

· that I am productive and capable of achieving my goals

What am I grateful about in my life now?

· My sister nina

What about that makes me grateful?

· the fact that she took care of me when I was little

How does that make me feel?

· Protected

What am I enjoying in my life right now?

· Conversations with my friends

What about that do I enjoy?

· the mental detox

How does that make me feel?

· Relaxed

What am I committed to in my life right now?

· Dean’s Medal

What about that makes me committed?

· the honour and the prestige

How does that make me feel?

· honoured

Who do I love? Who loves me?

· Peter

What about that makes me loving?

· His helpful caring attitude

How does that make me feel?

· welcomed and protected









Wednesday, June 29, 2011

8TBGR8--Thurs 30/06/2011


Do I love what I do?


What am I passionate about? Do I love what I do?

· Yes

Am I doing what I am doing it for the love or the money? Or the marks?

· Love


Am I working really hard?

· I could work harder

Am I working hard all the time?

· No

Am I having FUN working really hard?

· I will start today


Am I focusing on one thing or everything? and what is that?

· Yes, and that’s my uni

Am I staying focused on my goals?

· Absolutely

What is the one and only thing I am focusing on right now?

· My university degree and winning the uni medal


Am I pushing myself to my limits? Am I giving my number 1 goal 110% effort?

· I am teetering around my limits, I could give it more

Do I ever doubt myself?

· Sometimes

Am I pushing myself through self-doubt (radio stfu)??

· Yes I am

Do I have someone to PUSH me? like a coach or a support group

· Unfortunately No

Am I utilising my coach/support group to the max?

· No

Am I challenging myself every single day of my life?

· No

Am I part of some challenge (like a 30day challenge) at the moment?

· Yes, 30days of morning routine

Am I self-disciplined?

· No enough

Do I have a morning/evening routine?

· I have a morning routine

Am I currently in competition with someone?

· Yes, the whole uni

Who am I competing against?

· Kate


Am I coming up with new ideas? (Ideas to study more effectively or to make more money or to save time or be more productive?)

· No

Am I being curious? On a scale of 1-10 where is my curiosity meter?

· 2

Do I write my ideas down?

· No

Am I forming connections between all the ideas?

· No

Am I looking around for new ideas?

· No

Am I listening to other people for ideas?

· No


Am I continuously improving myself everyday in everyway?

· I try

Am I practicing practicing practicing the things I want to improve on?

· Yes

Am I practicing every single day of my life?

· yes


What value am I serving to others?

· Uni Integration and Academic Writing Skills

Who am I serving?

· Peers


Am I persisting through time? Because success takes time

· Yes, because I have no choice

Am I persisting through criticism?

· I am not even worrying about criticism at the moment

Am I persisting through rejections?

· I hate rejection

Am I persisting through adversity and arseholes?


Am I persisting through prejudice?

· I don’t see prejudice

Am I persisting through failure?

· definitely, every single day

What have I failed recently? Because I fall 7 times and I stand up 8

· I did not complete my morning routine in yesterday

· I haven’t started revision for PM Exam

Daily Questions --Wed 29/06/2011

Daily Questions

Bold· What are you addicted to? (Alcohol, sugar, adrenaline, etc.)

· Nicotine, Sugar

· If you lost your ability to earn a living this month, how long could you live

comfortably on current savings?

· 5 years

· Does your current income allow you to live the kind of life you want to lead?

What needs to change?

· No, I need to earn more

· Are you more engrossed in earning a living than designing a life?

· No, I’ve been designing a life for too long though,

· What is your lifelong dream, starting NOW?

· Travel the world

How are you spending most of your time?

· Thinking (which is bad)

How does that reconcile with your goals?

· It contributes to designing my goals but I need to be acting on them

What patterns do you see in how you feel about things? What do they say to you?

· I’m pretty positive

What starts to stand out as needing to be different?

· More action More action

TR Morning Excercises --Wed 29/06/2011


What am I happy about in my life now?

· My FIM result

What about that makes me happy?

· the high marks

How does that make me feel?

· like an achiever

What am I excited about in my life now?

· the new lifestyle I am leading

What about that makes me excited?

· the potential benefits

How does that make me feel?

· successful

What am I proud about in my life now?

· Friends

What about that makes me proud?

· them being there for each other

How does that make me feel?

· like I am supported by a close network of friends

What am I grateful about in my life now?

· my health

What about that makes me grateful?

· free from aliments

How does that make me feel?

· Energetic

What am I enjoying in my life right now?

· shopping

What about that do I enjoy?

· buy new nice things

How does that make me feel?

· happy

What am I committed to in my life right now?

· my morning routine

What about that makes me committed?

· All of it

How does that make me feel?

· successful

Who do I love? Who loves me?

· Nadir

What about that makes me loving?

· smart cool kid

How does that make me feel?

· proud


· achiever

· Supported by a network

· Energetic

· Happy

· Successful

· Proud