Saturday, July 9, 2011

TR Morning Excercises --Sat 09/07/2011


What am I happy about in my life now?

· Bloomberg Exam

What about that makes me happy?

· the mark I got without even trying

How does that make me feel?

· I am more capable of what I think I am

What am I excited about in my life now?

· going out tonight

What about that makes me excited?

· the prospect of >>>

How does that make me feel?

· Alive

What am I proud about in my life now?

· My GF

What about that makes me proud?

· Her intelligence

How does that make me feel?

· Surrounded and Supported by a solid network

What am I grateful about in my life now?

· Health

What about that makes me grateful?

· the ability to move and function

How does that make me feel?

· Liberated

What am I enjoying in my life right now?

· My city

What about that do I enjoy?

· the night life

How does that make me feel?

· Alive

What am I committed to in my life right now?

· goals

What about that makes me committed?

· the vision

How does that make me feel?

· Superior

Who do I love? Who loves me?

· Myself

What about that makes me loving?

· My kindness

How does that make me feel?

· Like a good person


· Being capable beyond what I think I am

· Alive

· Surrounded and Supported by a solid network

· Liberated

· Superior

· Being a good person

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