Wednesday, July 13, 2011

TR Morning Excercises --Wed 13/07/2011


What am I happy about in my life now?

· that I got D in EFEP

What about that makes me happy?

· despite of CRAP I still got a good mark

How does that make me feel?

· that I am resilient and powerful and intelligent and hardworker

What am I excited about in my life now?

· PM Exam on Friday

What about that makes me excited?

· The opportunity to shine again or turnaround things

How does that make me feel?

· Grateful

What am I proud about in my life now?

· FIM marks

What about that makes me proud?

· It represents my people skills and study smart not hard

How does that make me feel?

· Success is in my veins

What am I grateful about in my life now?

· Health

What about that makes me grateful?

· that I don’t get as sick as much I used to

How does that make me feel?

· Energetic

What am I enjoying in my life right now?

· the warmth of my home

What about that do I enjoy?

· the protection from the elements

How does that make me feel?

· the safety

What am I committed to in my life right now?

· smashing portfolio management

What about that makes me committed?

· I need to increase my GPA

How does that make me feel?

· Prudent

Who do I love? Who loves me?

· All my friends

What about that makes me loving?

· their watchfulness over me

How does that make me feel?

· Protection


I don’t have enough time to smash portfolio management

Time is an illusion

Study smart NOT hard

(i.e. focus on Short Answers, MCQs then Essay)

What is great about this problem?

· the opportunity to turn things around

What is not perfect yet?

· my experience with the content

What am I willing to do to make it the way I want it?

· go non-stop until the exam; give it every single breath; give it every single drop of sweat; give it every single drop of blood

What am I willing no longer to do to make it the way I want it?

· I am no longer going to waste time by going on facebook

· I am no longer going to think negative thoughts

How can I enjoy the process while I do what is necessary to make it the way I want it?

· I am going to use a stopwatch to make this fun as though I am competing against my self


· Resilience

· Intelligence

· Hard work

· Powerfulness

· Gratitude

· Success

· Energy

· safety

· prudence

· protection

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