Wednesday, June 29, 2011

8TBGR8--Thurs 30/06/2011


Do I love what I do?


What am I passionate about? Do I love what I do?

· Yes

Am I doing what I am doing it for the love or the money? Or the marks?

· Love


Am I working really hard?

· I could work harder

Am I working hard all the time?

· No

Am I having FUN working really hard?

· I will start today


Am I focusing on one thing or everything? and what is that?

· Yes, and that’s my uni

Am I staying focused on my goals?

· Absolutely

What is the one and only thing I am focusing on right now?

· My university degree and winning the uni medal


Am I pushing myself to my limits? Am I giving my number 1 goal 110% effort?

· I am teetering around my limits, I could give it more

Do I ever doubt myself?

· Sometimes

Am I pushing myself through self-doubt (radio stfu)??

· Yes I am

Do I have someone to PUSH me? like a coach or a support group

· Unfortunately No

Am I utilising my coach/support group to the max?

· No

Am I challenging myself every single day of my life?

· No

Am I part of some challenge (like a 30day challenge) at the moment?

· Yes, 30days of morning routine

Am I self-disciplined?

· No enough

Do I have a morning/evening routine?

· I have a morning routine

Am I currently in competition with someone?

· Yes, the whole uni

Who am I competing against?

· Kate


Am I coming up with new ideas? (Ideas to study more effectively or to make more money or to save time or be more productive?)

· No

Am I being curious? On a scale of 1-10 where is my curiosity meter?

· 2

Do I write my ideas down?

· No

Am I forming connections between all the ideas?

· No

Am I looking around for new ideas?

· No

Am I listening to other people for ideas?

· No


Am I continuously improving myself everyday in everyway?

· I try

Am I practicing practicing practicing the things I want to improve on?

· Yes

Am I practicing every single day of my life?

· yes


What value am I serving to others?

· Uni Integration and Academic Writing Skills

Who am I serving?

· Peers


Am I persisting through time? Because success takes time

· Yes, because I have no choice

Am I persisting through criticism?

· I am not even worrying about criticism at the moment

Am I persisting through rejections?

· I hate rejection

Am I persisting through adversity and arseholes?


Am I persisting through prejudice?

· I don’t see prejudice

Am I persisting through failure?

· definitely, every single day

What have I failed recently? Because I fall 7 times and I stand up 8

· I did not complete my morning routine in yesterday

· I haven’t started revision for PM Exam

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