Sunday, June 26, 2011

Daily Questions --Mon 27/06/2011

Daily Questions

· If you knew you would not fail and time and money were not issues, what three things would you most like to have, accomplish, or work toward?

o Uni Medal

o Yoga champion

o Be a fund manager

· What are your special gifts?

o I can see trends really well

o I can make connections

o Persistence

· What is the one gift you'd feel great about orienting your life around?

o Persistence

· What motivates you?

o Goals

· What are some of your healthy sources of energy?

o Yoga

o Alkaline Water

o Teamwork

· What stops you?

o Falling behind

· What keeps you up at night?

o Undone work

· What in your life doesn’t really serve you well or may be unhealthy?

o Smoking

· Are you willing to try new ways of doing things?

o Absolutely

· Where are you most irresponsible?

o Housework

· What are some professional or work opportunities you are currently not taking advantage of?

o Internship at Uni

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