Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Daily Questions --Tue 28/06/2011

Daily Questions

What is presently consuming your time that you wish you could eliminate?

· Facebook

How willing are you to do things the easy way or the simple way?

· I more than happy to do things the simple way

Who is in charge of your life? You or other people? Friends, peers, bosses,


· I am in charge of my life, my destiny

Why have you hired me as your coach?

· because I have witnessed your productivity firsthand

What are the five changes or actions to take in the next week to get you off to a good start in our coaching?

· Continue with morning routine

· Save time or be more productive i.e. get more tasks done

· Listen to more motivational material

· Listen to Eat that frog

· Continue reading “Getting things done”

How will you know how effective our coaching has been?

· When I see results

How can I best coach you?

· Personally

Should you be in therapy and be resolving something?

· Perhaps, for (hypertension)

What one change in your life would make the biggest positive difference?

· Quit Smoking

How willing are you to do whatever it takes to discover the highest and best of who you are?

· I am dying to discover my highest and best self

1 comment:

  1. Hi I am based in Sydney as well. I have been following Tony Robbins stuff lately and I am trying to change my life around and get more productive and focussed on my goals. Do you still do the daily Hour of Power still? Write to me through here http://thesisdiary.livejournal.com/
