Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Daily Questions --Wed 29/06/2011

Daily Questions

Bold· What are you addicted to? (Alcohol, sugar, adrenaline, etc.)

· Nicotine, Sugar

· If you lost your ability to earn a living this month, how long could you live

comfortably on current savings?

· 5 years

· Does your current income allow you to live the kind of life you want to lead?

What needs to change?

· No, I need to earn more

· Are you more engrossed in earning a living than designing a life?

· No, I’ve been designing a life for too long though,

· What is your lifelong dream, starting NOW?

· Travel the world

How are you spending most of your time?

· Thinking (which is bad)

How does that reconcile with your goals?

· It contributes to designing my goals but I need to be acting on them

What patterns do you see in how you feel about things? What do they say to you?

· I’m pretty positive

What starts to stand out as needing to be different?

· More action More action

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