Wednesday, June 29, 2011

8TBGR8--Thurs 30/06/2011


Do I love what I do?


What am I passionate about? Do I love what I do?

· Yes

Am I doing what I am doing it for the love or the money? Or the marks?

· Love


Am I working really hard?

· I could work harder

Am I working hard all the time?

· No

Am I having FUN working really hard?

· I will start today


Am I focusing on one thing or everything? and what is that?

· Yes, and that’s my uni

Am I staying focused on my goals?

· Absolutely

What is the one and only thing I am focusing on right now?

· My university degree and winning the uni medal


Am I pushing myself to my limits? Am I giving my number 1 goal 110% effort?

· I am teetering around my limits, I could give it more

Do I ever doubt myself?

· Sometimes

Am I pushing myself through self-doubt (radio stfu)??

· Yes I am

Do I have someone to PUSH me? like a coach or a support group

· Unfortunately No

Am I utilising my coach/support group to the max?

· No

Am I challenging myself every single day of my life?

· No

Am I part of some challenge (like a 30day challenge) at the moment?

· Yes, 30days of morning routine

Am I self-disciplined?

· No enough

Do I have a morning/evening routine?

· I have a morning routine

Am I currently in competition with someone?

· Yes, the whole uni

Who am I competing against?

· Kate


Am I coming up with new ideas? (Ideas to study more effectively or to make more money or to save time or be more productive?)

· No

Am I being curious? On a scale of 1-10 where is my curiosity meter?

· 2

Do I write my ideas down?

· No

Am I forming connections between all the ideas?

· No

Am I looking around for new ideas?

· No

Am I listening to other people for ideas?

· No


Am I continuously improving myself everyday in everyway?

· I try

Am I practicing practicing practicing the things I want to improve on?

· Yes

Am I practicing every single day of my life?

· yes


What value am I serving to others?

· Uni Integration and Academic Writing Skills

Who am I serving?

· Peers


Am I persisting through time? Because success takes time

· Yes, because I have no choice

Am I persisting through criticism?

· I am not even worrying about criticism at the moment

Am I persisting through rejections?

· I hate rejection

Am I persisting through adversity and arseholes?


Am I persisting through prejudice?

· I don’t see prejudice

Am I persisting through failure?

· definitely, every single day

What have I failed recently? Because I fall 7 times and I stand up 8

· I did not complete my morning routine in yesterday

· I haven’t started revision for PM Exam

Daily Questions --Wed 29/06/2011

Daily Questions

Bold· What are you addicted to? (Alcohol, sugar, adrenaline, etc.)

· Nicotine, Sugar

· If you lost your ability to earn a living this month, how long could you live

comfortably on current savings?

· 5 years

· Does your current income allow you to live the kind of life you want to lead?

What needs to change?

· No, I need to earn more

· Are you more engrossed in earning a living than designing a life?

· No, I’ve been designing a life for too long though,

· What is your lifelong dream, starting NOW?

· Travel the world

How are you spending most of your time?

· Thinking (which is bad)

How does that reconcile with your goals?

· It contributes to designing my goals but I need to be acting on them

What patterns do you see in how you feel about things? What do they say to you?

· I’m pretty positive

What starts to stand out as needing to be different?

· More action More action

TR Morning Excercises --Wed 29/06/2011


What am I happy about in my life now?

· My FIM result

What about that makes me happy?

· the high marks

How does that make me feel?

· like an achiever

What am I excited about in my life now?

· the new lifestyle I am leading

What about that makes me excited?

· the potential benefits

How does that make me feel?

· successful

What am I proud about in my life now?

· Friends

What about that makes me proud?

· them being there for each other

How does that make me feel?

· like I am supported by a close network of friends

What am I grateful about in my life now?

· my health

What about that makes me grateful?

· free from aliments

How does that make me feel?

· Energetic

What am I enjoying in my life right now?

· shopping

What about that do I enjoy?

· buy new nice things

How does that make me feel?

· happy

What am I committed to in my life right now?

· my morning routine

What about that makes me committed?

· All of it

How does that make me feel?

· successful

Who do I love? Who loves me?

· Nadir

What about that makes me loving?

· smart cool kid

How does that make me feel?

· proud


· achiever

· Supported by a network

· Energetic

· Happy

· Successful

· Proud

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Daily Questions --Tue 28/06/2011

Daily Questions

What is presently consuming your time that you wish you could eliminate?

· Facebook

How willing are you to do things the easy way or the simple way?

· I more than happy to do things the simple way

Who is in charge of your life? You or other people? Friends, peers, bosses,


· I am in charge of my life, my destiny

Why have you hired me as your coach?

· because I have witnessed your productivity firsthand

What are the five changes or actions to take in the next week to get you off to a good start in our coaching?

· Continue with morning routine

· Save time or be more productive i.e. get more tasks done

· Listen to more motivational material

· Listen to Eat that frog

· Continue reading “Getting things done”

How will you know how effective our coaching has been?

· When I see results

How can I best coach you?

· Personally

Should you be in therapy and be resolving something?

· Perhaps, for (hypertension)

What one change in your life would make the biggest positive difference?

· Quit Smoking

How willing are you to do whatever it takes to discover the highest and best of who you are?

· I am dying to discover my highest and best self

8 to be great

TR Morning Excercises --Tue 28/06/2011


What am I happy about in my life now?


What about that makes me happy?

· The positive energy all around pass

How does that make me feel?

· Motivated

What am I excited about in my life now?

· Next semester

What about that makes me excited?

· Acing my units

How does that make me feel?

· Champion

What am I proud about in my life now?

· Acing FIM

What about that makes me proud?

· the fact that I studied smart (80/20 Rule)

How does that make me feel?

· Intelligent

What am I grateful about in my life now?

· My sister Nina

What about that makes me grateful?

· the fact that she mothered me when I was little

How does that make me feel?

· loved

What am I enjoying in my life right now?

· My friends

What about that do I enjoy?

· their company

How does that make me feel?

· Happy

What am I committed to in my life right now?

· Uni

What about that makes me committed?

· Uni Medal

How does that make me feel?

· self actualisation

Who do I love? Who loves me?

· Everyone

What about that makes me loving?

· the best in other people

How does that make me feel?

· Hope


· Motivation

· Being a Champion

· Intelligence

· Love

· Happiness

· Self-Actualisation

· Hope

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Daily Questions --Mon 27/06/2011

Daily Questions

· If you knew you would not fail and time and money were not issues, what three things would you most like to have, accomplish, or work toward?

o Uni Medal

o Yoga champion

o Be a fund manager

· What are your special gifts?

o I can see trends really well

o I can make connections

o Persistence

· What is the one gift you'd feel great about orienting your life around?

o Persistence

· What motivates you?

o Goals

· What are some of your healthy sources of energy?

o Yoga

o Alkaline Water

o Teamwork

· What stops you?

o Falling behind

· What keeps you up at night?

o Undone work

· What in your life doesn’t really serve you well or may be unhealthy?

o Smoking

· Are you willing to try new ways of doing things?

o Absolutely

· Where are you most irresponsible?

o Housework

· What are some professional or work opportunities you are currently not taking advantage of?

o Internship at Uni

TR Morning Excercises --Mon 27/06/2011


What am I happy about in my life now?

· ALL Stars

What about that makes me happy?

· the collaboration

How does that make me feel?

· Being part of team (teamwork)

What am I excited about in my life now?

· My morning routine

What about that makes me excited?

· the sense of focus I get

How does that make me feel?

· Energised

What am I proud about in my life now?

· My uni work

What about that makes me proud?

· the results I get

How does that make me feel?

· Pride

What am I grateful about in my life now?

· this very day

What about that makes me grateful?

· the opportunity to start all over again

How does that make me feel?

· Hopeful (Hope)

What am I enjoying in my life right now?

· the company of my friends (socialising)

What about that do I enjoy?

· the laughter I get

How does that make me feel?

· Joyous

What am I committed to in my life right now?

· self improvement

What about that makes me committed?

· the opportunity to excel in all areas of my life

How does that make me feel?

· Blessed

Who do I love? Who loves me?

· My teachers

What about that makes me loving?

· the valuable knowledge they impart onto me

How does that make me feel?

· ahead of the world


· Being part of team (teamwork)

· Energised (Energy)

· Pride

· Blessed (Blessings)

· ahead of the world

Saturday, June 25, 2011

TR Morning Excercises --Sun 26/06/2011


What could I be happy about in my life now?

· My morning routine

What about that makes me happy?

· Gives me a sense of accomplishment

How does that make me feel?

· Happy

What could I be excited about in my life now?

· My life itself

What about that makes me excited?

· the opportunity to live

How does that make me feel?

· Happy

What could I be proud about in my life now?

· My girlfriend

What about that makes me proud?

· Her resilient attitude

How does that make me feel?

· that I have a formidable companion

What am I grateful about in my life now?

· the food on the table

What about that makes me grateful?

· the fact that food is available in abundance

How does that make me feel?

· grateful

What could I be enjoying in my life right now?

· Travelling the world

What about that do I enjoy?

· Meet new people, see new places

How does that make me feel?

· Knowledgeable

What could I be committed to in my life right now?

· Helping KM

What about that makes me committed?

· his brotherhood

How does that make me feel?

· Indebited

Who do I love? Who loves me?

· My GF

What about that makes me loving?

· the fact that I am caring

How does that make me feel?

· protector of loved ones


· Happiness

· Happiness

· Companionship

· Gratitude

· Knowledge

· indebted / Gratitude

· Protector of loved ones

Friday, June 24, 2011

TR Morning Excercises --Sat 25/06/2011


What am I/could I be happy about in my life now?

· The food I have on the table

What about that makes me happy?

· The fulfilment of basic human needs

How does that make me feel?

· Satisfied

What am I/could I be excited about in my life now?

· The night life in Sydney

What about that makes me excited?

· Knowing that I Live in one of the best cities in the world

How does that make me feel?

· Proud

What am I proud about in my life now?

· My social skills

What about that makes me proud?

· My negotiation skills

How does that make me feel?

· Unstoppable

What am I grateful about in my life now?

· For Kamal

What about that makes me grateful?

· That he his fighting on

How does that make me feel?

· Optimistic

What am I/could I be enjoying in my life right now?

· the city

What about that do I enjoy?

· the nightlife

How does that make me feel?

· connected to the world

What am I committed to in my life right now?

· Relationships

What about that makes me committed?

· the power of relationships

How does that make me feel?

· Secure and influential

Who do I love? Who loves me?

· the universe

What about that makes me loving?

· seeing the best in everyone

How does that make me feel?

· Happy


· Satisfied

· Proud

· Formidable

· Optimistic

· connected to the world

· Secure and influential

· Happy