Saturday, July 16, 2011

TR Morning Excercises --Sat 16/07/2011


What could I be happy about in my life now?

· Everything

What about that makes me happy?

· the fact that no matter what happens, its all going to work out in the end

How does that make me feel?

· Relaxed

What could I be excited about in my life now?

· Going out tonight with my boys

What about that makes me excited?

· the laughter, the opportunity to meet new people and mental detox

How does that make me feel?

· Happy

What could I be proud about in my life now?

· KM

What about that makes me proud?

· his resilience

How does that make me feel?

· Everything will be ok

What could I be grateful for in my life now?

· my health my financial situation

What about that makes me grateful?

· the abundance of it

How does that make me feel?

· Privileged

What could I be enjoying more of in my life right now?

· the beach

What about that do I enjoy?

· the freshness of it and the connection with nature

How does that make me feel?

· Relaxed

What am I committed to in my life right now?

· My university goals

What about that makes me committed?

· the awesomeness of my goals

How does that make me feel?

· Successful

Who do I love? Who loves me?

· My friends

What about that makes me loving?

· Open-mindedness and value offering

How does that make me feel?

· Being a Giver


What have I given today?

· more charity

In what ways have I been a giver today?

· forgiving

What did I learn today?

· the importance of my morning routuine

How has today added to the quality of my life OR how can I use today as an investment in my future?

· The things I achieved today will accumulate for the future


What is great about this problem(deferring my PM exam again)?

· the opportunity to get 100% in the final

What is not perfect yet?

· the fact that I haven’t started yet

What am I willing to do to make it the way I want it?

· to give it my 100% everymonring after my morning routine

What am I willing no longer to do to make it the way I want it?

· Less facebook and time spoilage

How can I enjoy the process while I do what is necessary to make it the way I want it?

· stop focusing on the negative thoughts

· being in the moment

· breatheeeeee

· relax


· Relaxation x2

· Happiness

· Everything will be OK

· Privilege

· Success

· Value-Giver

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

TR Morning Excercises --Wed 13/07/2011


What am I happy about in my life now?

· that I got D in EFEP

What about that makes me happy?

· despite of CRAP I still got a good mark

How does that make me feel?

· that I am resilient and powerful and intelligent and hardworker

What am I excited about in my life now?

· PM Exam on Friday

What about that makes me excited?

· The opportunity to shine again or turnaround things

How does that make me feel?

· Grateful

What am I proud about in my life now?

· FIM marks

What about that makes me proud?

· It represents my people skills and study smart not hard

How does that make me feel?

· Success is in my veins

What am I grateful about in my life now?

· Health

What about that makes me grateful?

· that I don’t get as sick as much I used to

How does that make me feel?

· Energetic

What am I enjoying in my life right now?

· the warmth of my home

What about that do I enjoy?

· the protection from the elements

How does that make me feel?

· the safety

What am I committed to in my life right now?

· smashing portfolio management

What about that makes me committed?

· I need to increase my GPA

How does that make me feel?

· Prudent

Who do I love? Who loves me?

· All my friends

What about that makes me loving?

· their watchfulness over me

How does that make me feel?

· Protection


I don’t have enough time to smash portfolio management

Time is an illusion

Study smart NOT hard

(i.e. focus on Short Answers, MCQs then Essay)

What is great about this problem?

· the opportunity to turn things around

What is not perfect yet?

· my experience with the content

What am I willing to do to make it the way I want it?

· go non-stop until the exam; give it every single breath; give it every single drop of sweat; give it every single drop of blood

What am I willing no longer to do to make it the way I want it?

· I am no longer going to waste time by going on facebook

· I am no longer going to think negative thoughts

How can I enjoy the process while I do what is necessary to make it the way I want it?

· I am going to use a stopwatch to make this fun as though I am competing against my self


· Resilience

· Intelligence

· Hard work

· Powerfulness

· Gratitude

· Success

· Energy

· safety

· prudence

· protection

Saturday, July 9, 2011

8TBGR8--Sat 09/07/2011


Do I love what I do?

· Yes hell yeah

What am I passionate about? Do I love what I do?

· financial analysis

Am I doing what I am doing for the love of it or for the money? Or the marks?

· For the love baby


Am I working really hard?

· No

Am I working hard all the time?

· No

Am I having FUN working really hard?

· No


Am I focusing on one thing or everything?

· 1

Am I staying focused on my goals?

· 1

What is the one and only thing I am focusing on right now?

· PM


Am I pushing myself to my limits? Am I giving my number 1 goal 110% effort?

· I will

Do I ever doubt myself?

· No

Am I pushing myself through self-doubt (radio stfu)??

· Hell yeah

Do I have someone to PUSH me? like a coach or a support group

· yes

Am I utilising my coach/support group to the max?

· not yet

Am I challenging myself every single day of my life?

· yes

Am I part of some challenge (like a 30day challenge) at the moment?

· yes

Am I self-disciplined?

· getting disciplined

Do I have a morning/evening routine?

· yes

Am I currently in competition with someone?

· yes

Who am I competing against?

· her that shall not be named


Am I coming up with new ideas? (Ideas to study more effectively or to make more money or to save time or be more productive?

· yes

Am I being curious? On a scale of 1-10 where is my curiosity meter?

· Curious is a great frame….today Im gonna be very curious

Do I write my ideas down?

· write my ideas down

Am I forming connections between all the ideas?

· Absolutely

Am I looking around for new ideas?

· Will do

Am I listening to other people for ideas?

· hell yeah


Am I continuously improving myself everyday in everyway?

· absolutely

Am I practicing practicing practicing the things I want to improve on?

· defo

Am I practicing every single day of my life?

· practice is everything


What value am I serving to others?

· financial freedom

Who am I serving?

· my people


Am I persisting through time? Because success takes time

· yes

Am I persisting through criticism?

· stand tall –fuckem all

Am I persisting through rejections?

· good better best never let them rest

Am I persisting through adversity and arsehole?

· I don’t give a fuck about what anyone thinks of me

Am I persisting through prejudice?

· prejudice is only in the mind

Am I persisting through failure?

· failure is nothing but feedback

What have I failed recently? Because I fall 7 times and I stand up 8

· I failed getting that internship with Ingrid schraner

TR Morning Excercises --Sat 09/07/2011


What am I happy about in my life now?

· Bloomberg Exam

What about that makes me happy?

· the mark I got without even trying

How does that make me feel?

· I am more capable of what I think I am

What am I excited about in my life now?

· going out tonight

What about that makes me excited?

· the prospect of >>>

How does that make me feel?

· Alive

What am I proud about in my life now?

· My GF

What about that makes me proud?

· Her intelligence

How does that make me feel?

· Surrounded and Supported by a solid network

What am I grateful about in my life now?

· Health

What about that makes me grateful?

· the ability to move and function

How does that make me feel?

· Liberated

What am I enjoying in my life right now?

· My city

What about that do I enjoy?

· the night life

How does that make me feel?

· Alive

What am I committed to in my life right now?

· goals

What about that makes me committed?

· the vision

How does that make me feel?

· Superior

Who do I love? Who loves me?

· Myself

What about that makes me loving?

· My kindness

How does that make me feel?

· Like a good person


· Being capable beyond what I think I am

· Alive

· Surrounded and Supported by a solid network

· Liberated

· Superior

· Being a good person

Saturday, July 2, 2011

TR Morning Excercises --Thur 30/06/2011


What am I happy about in my life now?

· going out to the city

What about that makes me happy?

· partying and meeting friends

How does that make me feel?

· Joyous

What am I excited about in my life now?

· Meeting some old friends

What about that makes me excited?

· catching up on some old times

How does that make me feel?

· still connected

What am I proud about in my life now?

· ranked first for FIM

What about that makes me proud?

· hard and smart work pays off

How does that make me feel?

· that I am productive and capable of achieving my goals

What am I grateful about in my life now?

· My sister nina

What about that makes me grateful?

· the fact that she took care of me when I was little

How does that make me feel?

· Protected

What am I enjoying in my life right now?

· Conversations with my friends

What about that do I enjoy?

· the mental detox

How does that make me feel?

· Relaxed

What am I committed to in my life right now?

· Dean’s Medal

What about that makes me committed?

· the honour and the prestige

How does that make me feel?

· honoured

Who do I love? Who loves me?

· Peter

What about that makes me loving?

· His helpful caring attitude

How does that make me feel?

· welcomed and protected